
Quran page with first surah

How to be an Adult

In pursuit of spiritual growth, and excellence, skillful adulting requires deep Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Striving towards our better self.

Allah says: “And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.” (Quran 29:69)

Adulting requires making peace with our own past experiences, trauma, wounds, or blockers, and then moving away from cycles of unproductive behavior. Adulting takes work!

Let’s explore 4 key emotions:

  1. Anger: Mastering Emotional Regulation once we have explored the roots of our unrestrained anger is a key skill we need to develop. We may have to trace its roots to childhood experiences, unproductive thoughts, or habit patterns we may have picked up early. We then have to forgive those who may have been responsible: often our own parents. We have to break the harmful cycle by learning emotional awareness and regulation from a Mindfulness/EQ coach, behavior interventionist, or mental health counselor specializing in this topic.
  1. Guilt: While remorse and accountability can be healthy in our return to Allah SWT, losing confidence in our self-worth due to unprocessed guilt, blame, and shame is not. Accepting mistakes with a sense of self-compassion with the primary motivation of learning and growing from these experiences is a key characteristic of healthy adults. If God has mentioned that we are sinners and His mercy is always open for us, we have to also learn to forgive ourselves for past mistakes once we have sincerely repented and paid people their dues. Time to not define ourselves through those mistakes, but rather move forward with deeper wisdom and confidence.
  1. Fear: Learning to move out of our Comfort Zone and step into the Stretch Zone where growth happens is an important way to integrate our fear in reaching our potential. A secure adult is not attached to control and status quo but learns how to work with their fears to keep getting closer to God with small but consistent steps in overcoming the feelings and realities of being stuck.
  1. Self-Doubt: Cultivating God-centered confidence lies in understanding our true worth as a servant of God. This confidence is solidified by finding worth from our highest beliefs, and values, and not from worldly possessions and materials. As adults, we have to find meaning, purpose, and identity that drives us towards God and our higher potential.

Join the Mindfulness Masterclass in January to learn to become More Mindful and Emotionally Intelligent. Cultivate your best self, overcome your blockers, and become a well-rounded adult. Break the cycles of negativity or unproductive behavior and become a role model for your family and all those you serve.

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Wadud Hassan

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