
Lunch and Learn
Reviving a Prophetic Model of Tarbiyah

Unlock the secrets of effective Tarbiyah, offering practical tools for behavior and character development.

Become a Define Certified Character Coach

Intersection between Islamic Psychology, Mindfulness, and Emotional Intelligence to learn and model evidence tools of Tarbiyah: behavior and character training and intervention

6 weeks from October 6th 2024

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Certified Character Coach

Step 1: Prophetic Emotional Intelligence Foundations course ($499)

Outlines the scientific and Islamic context of social emotional intelligence concepts of the H.E.A.R.T.-centric model

Step 2: Character Coach Application course ($499)

application of the H.E.A.R.T.-centric model in real-life coaching opportunities and gives you hands-on experience teaching character development.

Define YourSELF

Online Character Coach Certification Course

School Registration

Schools can sign up groups of 3 or more starting at $600 for both step 1 and step 2 (almost 40% group discount) per person


Then this course is for you!

Today, parents, teachers and youth alike feel there is something missing: even though we teach students about their faith, there seems to be a gap between this knowledge and their actual behavior.

and we at DEFINE intend to follow in his (saws) footsteps by providing a Character Coach Training.

Success Stories from Our Students

Why Become a Character Coach?

While working with children and youth at multiple schools across the U.S. and abroad as teachers, Principals, and counselors, the founders of Define 360 noticed a major deficiency in the modern schooling systems – the lack of intentional and deep character development. Students are disengaging from their education and mental health crises amongst adolescents are on the rise. The gap between faith and character, knowledge and action is growing. Children urgently need tools to be Mindful, Purposeful, Grateful and research-based lessons on Emotional Intelligence can bridge this gap and equip children with the deep social, emotional and ethical skills needed to build happiness and success in school and their personal life.

Why Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence for Character Coaching?

Source: Evidence of the Impact of Mindfulness on Children and Young People by Katherine Weare:

Sign up to start your journey to become a Character Coach

Join us for our Character Coach Course launching on June 5th!

Join the wait list below:

Join the Waitlist

* indicates required

How to become a Certified Character Coach

A certified character coach diploma includes two parts: the Prophetic Emotional Intelligence Foundations course which outlines the scientific and Islamic context of social emotional intelligence concepts of the H.E.A.R.T.-centric model and the Character Coach Application course, which looks at the application of the H.E.A.R.T.-centric model in real-life coaching opportunities and gives you hands-on experience teaching character development.

Once both are completed, you will not only have extensive knowledge of the latest neuro-science research and frame character development within the Islamic context, but also be able to formulate an ongoing practice of personal character development and Coach others in character development. You will be a Certified Character Coach.

Prophetic Emotional Intelligence Foundations course

The modules of the Prophetic Emotional Intelligence Foundations course:

Introduction: Prophetic Ethics of Coaching

Prophetic Ethics of Coaching
H.E.A.R.T.-centric model

Module 1: Mindfulness

High Resolution Perception
Hedonistic vs Eudaimonic Happiness

Module 2: Purpose

How to live with purpose

Module 3: Gratitude

Benefits of Smiling
Spiritual Intelligence
Science of Happiness

Module 4: Patience

Emotions & the Amygdala
Response Flexibility
Patience dissected
Making choices

Module 5: Compassion

Mirror Neurons
Difference between empathy and compassion

Character Coach Application Course

In this course, you will practice the H.E.A.R.T.-centric model in real-life settings. You will receive a facilitation guide and a rubric to assess your students. Reflections and micro-practices help you keep your skills sharp. 

This course comes with ready-made lesson plans and class materials so you can get right to it! In addition, you will learn how to assess and evaluate your colleagues as well as yourself. 

Character Coach Certificate

Your Coaching certificate is valid for 2 years, after which you can retake the course for 30% of the original fee. You will be required to share one new research and one new tool for each of the Level 1 modules and contribute to the live cohort discussion to recertify. Once you have received your Character Coach certificate, you can continue your education by taking Level 2 Certification when launched. This is optional but highly recommended to further your knowledge and skills as a Character Coach.




Prophetic Etiquette of Coaching








Positive Self Talk




Anger and Sadness





Join our upcoming Prophetic Emotional Intelligence Foundations course!

All our content is based on our signature Faith based Emotional Intelligence research rooted in brain and behavioral science for deep understanding and revival of Prophetic Character.

Course Details

Individuals – $499 per person

Organizations – Per person price for group sizes:

Course Format

Each of the Modules will include:

Time Requirement

Every module will take around 4-5 hours to complete. The complete Level 1 Prophetic Emotional Intelligence course will take 20-25 hours to complete.

After the Course

After completion of the Prophetic Emotional Intelligence Foundations course, you will:

H.E.A.R.T.-Centric Model

The HEART model, based on Quranic and Prophetic principles, represents a type of intelligence that elevates a human being to the presence and pleasure of God (swt). This Spiritual Intelligence was perfectly embodied by none other than our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) and here are some of those Prophetic qualities of Spiritual Intelligence we can all strive to bring into our own lives:

Heal in Mindfulness

Engage with Purpose (identity)

Achieve with Gratitude

Rise with Patience (Emotional Regulation)

Thrive with Compassion


DEFINE is a unique program that combines several elements into a new innovative form of learning. Our groundbreaking research on faith based emotional intelligence, and brain & behavioral science empowers youth and adults with actionable toolkits for self-improvement, emotional control, and redirection. Many programs
focus on one element only, missing out on the added advantage of the combination.

We call the combination our SELFI model. The model is comprehensively rooted in the pillars of EQ that can cultivate a deeper connection to the core values of our faith and lead to a stronger sense of self. With practice, students grow the ability to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and negative self-image. Research has strongly linked emotional control to higher levels of happiness, mindfulness, and success at their school, home, and career. Our content is project-
based to foster greater student engagement.

Who is behind DEFINE?

Founder, Wadud Hassan, M. Ed.

Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Human Development Thought Leader, Author, and Teacher

Wadud is a Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence coach and the founder of Define360, a Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence learning engine for Muslims as well as Mindfulness Matters Leadership Institute that trains on Mindfulness and neuroscience-based leadership for the corporate and educator sectors. Wadud completed his graduate studies from Vanderbilt in Leadership & Organizational Performance. Wadud co- led the launch of three independent K-12 schools in Dallas before completing his Principal’s and leadership trainings at Harvard, IDEO, the
Neuroscience Academy, and Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, born and developed at Google.

Among his notable projects, Wadud and his team designed and teaches the Character Coach certification course online. Wadud currently co-leads the training and development of a diversity infused servant-leadership development program at a major city in Dallas, led the R&D of the Founders to CEO Succession Leadership
Development Program at the Nashville Entrepreneurship Center, worked with the Metro Nashville Public Schools on Human Capital Diversity Strategy, and conducted an organizational case study of Nashville Mayor’s Afterzone Alliance. He has also served on Teach for America Nashville’s diversity council and cohosted the Deloitte & GE Human Capital competition at Vanderbilt university.

10 Steps of Qur’anic Contemplation (Tadabbur)

Do they not contemplate over the Quran, or are their hearts locked up?

Al-Mu’minun, Verse 68

Character Coach Course will help you

Who Should Enroll?

Full-time & Weekend Schools' Principals, Counselors, Teachers

Youth Leaders, Parents, Teachers & Coaches who work with the youth

Community, Non-Profit & Servant Leaders

Full-time & Weekend Schools' Principals, Counselors, Teachers

Full-time & Weekend Schools' Principals, Counselors, Teachers

Community, Non-Profit & Servant Leaders

Who should enroll?

Are you a leader, influencer, mentor, teacher, parent who wants to lead, parent, mentor, or coach with effective tools of neuroscience based Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence in the context of developing Prophetic character as a Muslim?

Join the Next Cohort

Are you a leader, influencer, mentor, teacher, parent who wants to lead, parent, mentor, or coach with effective tools of neuroscience based Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence in the context of developing Prophetic character as a Muslim?

(Weekly Uplifting Content)

New & Modified H.E.A.R.T-CENTRIC
Behavior Intervention through Islamic Psychology Workshop

Interactive, teacher-centered and problem based workshop with plenty of opportunities to learn, practice, model, discuss, brainstorm and collaborate to further adapt the tools for specific grade/classrooms.

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