Your daily companion for God-centred mental wellbeing

A muslim mindfulness app reviving the lost art of Islamic Mindfulness and Meditation.

Become more present with God

Muraqaba means to be in a state of vigilant awareness, presence and mindfulness of God. It is a tool to cultivate our Taqwa or consciousness of Allah and journey to Ihsaan.

+80 Guided Meditations

Exhaustive library of audio meditations and meditation series personalised to your level of familiarity with mindfulness practice and your goals.

Mindfulness Courses From Renowned Teachers

Access mindfulness courses from renowned islamic psychologists and teachers like Dr. Abdallah Rothman, Dr. Samir Mahmoud and Wadud Hassan

Emotional Wellbeing Tools

We recommend you Prophetic Duas, Quranic verses and Allah's names to comfort and guide you through different emotions and spiritual states.

Incorporating tools from the Quran and Sunnah

We bring you practices based on Prophetic teachings infused with evidence based neuroscience. Muraqaba app focuses on preventative mental health tools to empower Muslims with faith-based guided audio & video practices, tools, lessons, and courses.

Guided by Mindfulness Teachers & Experts

Our content creators are seasoned subject matter specialists in the field of Mental Wellness. We collectively bring over 15 years of experience in Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindset training, as well as Islamic Psychology.

Dr. Abdallah Rothman
Certified Islamic Psychologist
Susan Labadi
Mindfulness Teacher & Educator
Wadud Hassan
Mindfulness Teacher & Expert
Asma Maryam Ali
Licensed psychotherapist & educator

Endorsed By Scholars

We continuously seeks guidance from Islamic scholars and psychologists in its content motivation and methodologies. After Qur'an, and Sunnah, one of the key scholarly influences on our content is Imam Ghazzali.

I am very pleased and excited about this new initiative by Br. Wadud Hassan, someone I had the deep honour and privilege to teach and mentor. I am very excited to learn about the Muraqabah app and it’s potential which his team is developing. I pray that this helps realise his vision to bring the Islamic tradition of spiritual cultivation, meditation and contemplation back to the hearts and palms of muslims for their emotional, spiritual and psychologocial wellbeing. I am very happy to see how they are also connected to a team professional psychologists, Islamic teachers and scholars to continue to guide them and keep things consistent with the needs of the community. I ask Allah SWT to bless this project and accept it.

Sheikh Khalil A Rasheed
Chaplain, Harvard University

Br. Wadud Hassan has been a friend and fellow Dallas area leader for close to 30 years. We were blessed to build many community organization since our teenage years. He has been a respected education leader, visionary, trainer, and now a coach to hundreds of teachers around the world. He has recently taken a sabbatical to attend and complete Qalam seminary Arabic program. I am excited to see his team’s work on Islamically integrated Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence training and feel that many young Muslims can truly benefit from the Muraqaba app to cultivate a deeper sense of God-centered presence, peace, and emotional well being in a very distracted world we live in today.

Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda​
Founder and Director, Qalam Institute

Whoever provides relief to a Muslim, God will grant them His relief and mercy in both worlds

Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Sunan Ibn Majah 225